QE Strong Story

QE Strong’s beginning came from Rick from Blessed2Teach and his brother Rob’s search for health solutions for the Blessed2Teach community. Rob was working on formulating healthy all-natural supplements and was led by the Lord to the amazing Quantum Energy solutions.
While the Quantum Energy solutions appeared to be amazing, Rob had learned the very critical importance of doing his own research to verify anything after becoming Redpilled in 2020. After doing deep dives into Quantum Energy, Intentions, and how successful they have become, they began testing within their community.
The results were amazing and the reviews and testimonials from people were undeniable and thus, QE Strong was born so they could bring these incredible solutions to the world and help people get off of Big Pharma drugs.
Welcome to QE Strong
God bless you and God bless your health.
Quantum Rob (Rob Rene) Story
Frequency Specialist & Medical Deception Researcher
Rob grew up as a gifted athlete and runner.
His early goal in life was to be a professional runner. He was highly successful as a youth winning a National Championship and earning a full-ride running scholarship to a Division 1 University. Being fit, eating right, and learning how to listen to your body and how to get the best out of the body God gave you has been vital to him.
God had a different plan and purpose for him. On a cold day in the winter in Utah while out on a training run, Rob had a tragic accident and was hit by a 4×4 truck while on that run. He almost died on that day, but again – God has a plan for his life.
His dream of being a world class runner died that day. He spent the next 25 years climbing the corporate ladder at a number of Fortune 500 corporations selling Enterprise Software and Services. He was successful, but not fulfilled.
Since he left corporate America to help his brother’s business, his eyes were opened to unbelievable deception and corruption he never thought possible. This began a multi-year deep dive on the Medical Deception, and many related topics. Through this deep research he became a Frequency Specialist and was led by the Lord to found QE Strong to help people use natural solutions to help with common health issues and stop using addictive and harmful medications.
During this process, Rob would describe it as a “death” – he went through all the emotions of anger, sadness, frustration during this discovery. The blessing is that his relationship with God has never been stronger and he is faithful in his research and study of God’s word and how it applies to everything he does.
He has a beautiful family – a “Hers, Mine, and Our’s Family” as Rob would describe it. His wife, confidant, and best friend stands strong beside him. They have three amazing children, three grandchildren, and a beautiful dog (Java) and cat (Buttercup).
What is this Quantum Energy Solution?
God made our bodies unique and wonderful. Scientists have learned that our bodies are made up of energy.
As a famous scientist said “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” – Nicola Tesla In the simplest possible terms:
- Your Body is made up of Energy
- That Energy Responds to Frequencies
- We Encode Healing Frequencies onto Skin Patches & Cards
- We Encode 40 Bible Verses into the Frequency
- Wear Them to Experience Healing
Facts are that everything that exists is made of energy waves, the waves vibrate, that vibration creates frequencies and each frequency has unique qualities and characteristics when perceived by us.
Consider the energy frequency range of visible light.
We perceive certain frequencies as different colors, some red and some blue, some green and some purple due to our photoreceptors being designed to detect specific energy wave vibration frequencies differently.

If our eyes are capable of seeing colors based on frequencies, doesn’t it make sense that our bodies are capable of using frequencies to heal? Everything from the largest object down to the smallest subatomic particle has its own specific frequency based on the speed of the energy wave vibration; from the Earth to an electron they are all made of energy, they all vibrate at different speeds which creates different frequencies.
Many scientists have concluded that frequencies are the invisible glue holding our Universe together. In fact, many studies have proven that the energy systems in your body control your overall health… pain receptors, allergic reactions, blood sugar, moods, digestion, sleep, and so much more.
When these energy systems are in harmony, you experience balanced health, your body functions properly, and you feel great!
When these energy systems are in disharmony, the body gets out of balance, doesn’t function properly, and you feel terrible.
When these energy systems are in harmony, you experience balanced health, your body functions properly, and you feel great!
Unhealthy frequencies trigger pain receptors and allergic reactions, lead to abnormal blood sugar spikes and unstable moods, stir up your gut causing bad digestion, poor sleep, and so much more.
I Learned The Secret of Good Vibrations and “Healing Frequencies”
I learned that the Quantum Energy Pain Relief Skin Patches bring your energy systems into balance with healthy healing frequencies.
This breakthrough solution is designed in a unique way that harnesses healing frequencies encoded on an easy to wear concealable skin patch, are delivered to your body.
The patch provides your body with specific balancing frequencies that neutralize your body’s pain receptors and shields you from the always present disruptive frequencies preventing further damage.
This is done with God’s ever-present Bible verses and healing frequencies, there are no wires, chemicals, or drugs or anything invasive.
This solution was perfect for me and for those looking to escape addictive and dangerous pain drugs.
How could a tiny skin patch achieve this when prescription pills, CBD, magic potions, and lotions all failed for me? God’s Word, His healing energy, and subsequent healing frequencies is how.
All I had to do was apply the patch directly to my skin and wait for the joyful relief to come.
The patches have been scientifically proven to start interacting with your brain in less than five seconds and actual relief can happen as fast as 30 seconds.
Many people who love safer & natural remedies are leaving their products behind and embracing the Quantum Energy Skin Patch Solution that provides them with more tangible relief.
Rigorous Lab Tests Prove that… “It Works Within 5 Seconds”!
At first, Quantum Energy Pain Skin Patches may sound too good to be true, but the science proves that they truly work! In fact, a recent scientific study was done specifically on the Quantum Energy Pain solution.
In several studies, scientists used Electroencephalogram (EEG) tests that detect electrical activity in the brain before and while using Quantum Energy Pain Relief Skin Patches. They were astounded not only that they could see evidence of significant pain relief, at unheard-of speeds that they never thought were possible!
Study’s Conclusion:
“This study confirms both the existence of subtle energies emanating from the Quantum Energy Cards and that the brain is able to perceive and react to these energies. Further, this study indicates that there is an adverse reaction to pain as demonstrated by EEG analysis and that mitigating these effects has a positive impact on coherency, therefore improving overall cognitive performance. …”
These results were approved by Dr. Twyla Wilson who was the Author and Study Researcher and Developer. She worked with a distinguished major US Ivy League research institute who helped review the study and analyze the results.
If all of that information wasn’t enough… For those that are spiritual, there is an added benefit that you will enjoy. As explained in The Moses Code by James Twyman, Bible verses can be broken down into frequencies for meditation and we have encoded 40 healing Biblical Scriptures on every Quantum Energy Pain Relief Patch.
There Are Over 40 Scriptural Frequencies Taken Directly From The Bible Encoded Onto Every Quantum Energy Pain Skin Patch!
Keep reading to see just some of the words encoded onto their products…
The Word of God will save your life.

My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh. (Prov 4:20-22)
God’s will — healing– is working in you.

For it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. (Phil 2:13)
The Spirit of Life is making your body alive.

But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you. (Rom 8:11)
And much MUCH more… Each verse was carefully selected – to maximize the healing power of each patch & card… And I know it might seem hard to believe… But after seeing the videos demonstrating it… listening to folks swear by how much it impacted their lives… I couldn’t deny it anymore – especially when…
God takes all sickness away from you.

And the LORD will take away from you all sickness, and will afflict you with none of the terrible diseases of Egypt which you have known, but will lay them on all those who hate you. (Deu 7:15)
One of God’s benefits is healing.

Bless the LORD, O my soul; And all that is within me, bless His holy name. Bless the LORD, O my soul, And forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, So that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. (Psa 103:1-5)
“I have used these patches for a week now, and I can sleep at night without having to take anything for pain. I haven’t been able to do that in over 10 year’s.” – Sharon Long
Now that you know how it works…
How do you use it?

Apply Skin Patch
Place the patch or card on your skin. You can place it anywhere since it connects to your body’s energy frequency. However, some prefer to put it near the source of their pain.

Skin Patch Starts to Work
The Quantum Energy Pain Skin Patch & Card starts to work in 5 seconds. However, it’s best to wait a few minutes for full effect.

Enjoy Your Day
Be amazed that your joints and muscles no longer hurt! Not only is it a blessing from God, but it’s also proven by science!